Athlete's foot is an infectious disease that spreads from person to person. Athlete's foot is the most common type of athlete's foot in adults. Both women and men, and even children are sick with it.
Mycosis (fungus) is a skin disease caused by parasitic fungi. It can be easily acquired by contact with an infected person or through objects and things with which the patient has had contact. Fungi are very fond of a warm and humid environment, so public places such as saunas, baths, water parks, beaches and swimming pools are considered potentially dangerous. English doctors call this disease "symptom of the athlete's foot", since athletes use closed, poorly breathable shoes, inside which moisture accumulates.
Mycoses are very insidious, despite the apparent simplicity of the disease, they are difficult to cure and tend to return.
Get to know each other as early as possible
The treatment of mycosis is a rather long and complex process, so it is important to determine as soon as possible what the fungus looks like on the feet, the reasons for its appearance and start acting. Fungus usually first appears between the toes. Then, if left untreated, the infection invades the nail plate, leading to the destruction of the nail. If the cause is an infection in a pedicure salon, the disease begins with the nail plates.
Often, after infection, the fungus is felt quite quickly and you immediately understand that "something" is wrong. But the manifestations of fungus on the feet can have a different character: hidden or pronounced. That is why it is necessary to understand how the fungus on the foot starts, what it looks like and how to recognize it.

What are the early symptoms of toe fungus?
After contact with the skin, the fungus on the foot undergoes an incubation period (depending on the person's immunity, 3-14 days), during which the disease does not appear.
The first symptoms that should make you think about a visit to a dermatologist may be:
- The skin on the legs looks red or covered with spots, itches, burns. This causes terrible discomfort, you constantly want to scratch your feet. This sign of foot fungus is observed in 99% of cases of the disease.
- Thickening or roughness of the skin of the feet. Often this sign of toe fungus is ignored as it looks like a callus or corn.
- Blisters with fluid on the affected skin areas. If the patient combs them, an infection can get into them, and then the blisters burst, pus and erosion, ulcers, abscesses appear on the skin.
- Cracks appear between the fingers. Most often, damage to the foot fungus begins in the spaces between the toes (between the first and second or fourth and fifth). Cracks can cause discomfort or even pain.
- If the treatment is not started in time, the skin of the feet becomes rough and takes on the appearance of scales, while the skin of the feet is very dry - a sure sign that you have fungus. Later, the affected areas of the skin (toes, heels, feet) appear softened, covered with a white layer.
- Feet smell bad.
- The skin of the feet looks pathologically shiny.
- Edema appears. This suggests that you have a chronic athlete's foot.

Interdigital infection
The onset of an interdigital infection starts with the skin between the toes looking very pale, soft and moist and can present with symptoms such as burning skin and foot odor. If the infection is not treated, then a bacterial infection is added to the fungal infection. And this, in turn, leads to the appearance of a bad smell of feet.
Interdigital infection can also be complicated by treatment. Cracks and skin develop until the skin becomes very dense and thick.
If measures are not taken, then the infection passes to the nail plates, which contributes to their rejection and fall.
Vesicular infection
A less common type of fungal foot infection. It usually begins with the fact that under the skin of the feet suddenly appear areas filled with liquid contents, similar to blisters. Most often, blisters develop on the back of the foot, although they can also appear between the toes or in the heel area, as well as on the sole of the foot.
This type of disease can develop after the primary infection. In addition, a secondary infection can affect both the same areas as the primary one (on the skin of the feet), and other parts of the body. Integuments in these cases, as a rule, begin to granulate.
moccasin-like fungi
This fungus begins with the appearance of pain in the legs. Then, during the course of the disease, the skin of the sole gradually thickens, and then begins to crack.
Fungal diseases in this form often affect the nails, which then thicken, begin to crumble or even fall off altogether.

Manifestation of symptoms and type of mold
Manifestations of toenail fungus symptoms depend on the type, as well as the degree and depth of the fungal infection.
Symptoms of nail fungus include the following manifestations:
- the nail looks cloudy, loses its shine;
- the color of the nails changes from yellow to black;
- the surface looks rough, and the nail itself begins to crumble;
- the nail is pathologically thickened or, on the contrary, thinned to an extreme degree;
- there is a painful curvature of the nail plate;
- the cuticle around the diseased nail is either not affected by the fungus, or appears slightly inflamed.
With fungal diseases, it becomes very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to cut the nails without prior preparation, as they are very thick. If the thickened nail presses the skin down, there may be pain.
A fungal infection is a very complex disease, it is not easy to remove it, especially if the disease is in progress. Therefore, if you notice that "something" is happening, you should immediately consult a doctor, because only the initial stages of this disease are easier and faster to treat.
Urgently to the doctor!
If you notice signs of fungus on your feet, don't expect everything to go away on its own. The longer you have the fungus on your feet, the more difficult it is to cure and the worse it is for the whole body. Prolonged mycosis can cause weakened immunity, allergic reactions and exacerbation of chronic diseases. That is why at the first doubts, contact a dermatologist or mycologist. The doctor will perform an examination, determine the extent of the disease, the structure of the affected skin or nails, and make tissue scrapings for analysis. Thus, the doctor will determine the presence of a fungal infection on the foot, its type and prescribe the appropriate treatment, tablets, syrups or injections (in the most difficult cases).
So if you have a very sore foot, perhaps an old fungus has resurfaced, seek medical help immediately. It is very important to start the immediate treatment of the fungus in order to recover yourself from an unpleasant disease and protect others.
Initial stage of nail fungus
Onychomycosis is a common pathology in which pathogenic microorganisms multiply in the depth of the nail and adjacent tissues. As a result, the nail plate is gradually deformed. The initial stage of nail fungus can be treated effectively.
Depending on the recommendations, patients recover within a few months. Further preventive measures will help you keep your nails healthy.
What is the initial phase like?
Symptoms in the early stages of the disease look the same in both arms and legs. At first, the nail plate changes shade. From pink, it becomes yellow and dull, sometimes changing to a gray color. It is possible to change the structure of the plate - tubercles or other swellings appear on it.
In the future, longitudinal lines, yellow dots or spots are noticed on the nails. The plate begins to expand and thicken, at the same time it becomes brittle. The skin near the nail also suffers from mold, it becomes inflamed and reddened. Most often, the spore infection occurs on the feet, first of all, onychomycosis develops on the big toe (but there are exceptions).
In the initial stage of the disease, the fungus affects only one side of the nail plate. There are the following types of lesions:
- distal form - the upper part of the nail is affected;
- side view - mushrooms are located on the sides of the plate;
- superficial lesions - the surface of the plate suffers;
- proximal form - the periungual roller is affected.
In the photo you can see the appearance of the nails, in the initial stage of onychomycosis.
How is the treatment?
If you suspect onychomycosis, you should seek help from a dermatologist. The doctor will examine the nails, if necessary, will do an itch for the presence of mycelial fungi. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will tell you how to treat the disease.
Local therapy is aimed at eliminating inflammation, restoring blood supply to the diseased nail. Preparations can be in the form of varnishes, sprays, creams. They are applied to the affected nail plates, to the skin around them.
The most famous antifungal agents:
- varnishes. They are applied several times a week. Active substances penetrate deep into the nail. They are among the most powerful agents against mold;
- cream. Designed for the treatment of periungual skin and ridges. They are treated with healthy nails to protect them from fungal penetration;
- point. Medicines are applied to diseased nails. 1-2 points;
- The lotion kills the fungus in the surface layers of the nail.
Sprays are used as a suitable prophylactic against onychomycosis. They process soles, toes and shoes.
In addition to local treatment, doctors perform systemic therapy. The patient is taking antifungal tablets or capsules. They kill the infection and help to quickly cope with the pathology.
Other treatments
- Laser therapy - the effect on microorganisms from laser rays. In the initial stages of the disease, it is enough for the patient to undergo only three to four procedures. The method not only kills pathogenic fungi, but also improves blood circulation.
- Ozone therapy - an ozone injection is injected into the skin near the affected nail plates. Cells are saturated with ozone, they resist infections. Immunity increases in the body. But this procedure is effective only in the initial stages of the disease.
Both methods only supplement traditional treatment in the initial phase. They are prescribed along with pills and local treatments.
How traditional medicine can help
To cure the fungus in the early stages will help the advice of traditional healers. Their advantage is that they use natural products, without chemical additives.
The main methods of treatment include:
- Apple cider vinegar - dilute in equal proportions with warm water. Take a bath, take it for 15 minutes. Do the procedure every day until all symptoms disappear. But apple cider vinegar is only suitable for treating toenail fungus.
- In the first stages of onychomycosis, ordinary hydrogen peroxide actively suppresses the fungus. Soak your fingers in water with the addition of soda (one tablespoon for two liters of hot water). Soak cotton with peroxide, place it on the affected nails and fix with a bandage. Wear the compress for at least 40 minutes.
- Tea tree essential oil helps in the treatment. This antiseptic is used as an additional medicine in all stages of the disease. Rub a few drops of the extract on the affected nail plates, do not wash off the oil. Carry out the therapy from 2 weeks until complete recovery. But this method is not suitable for children and women in an interesting position.
- Soda baths help in the fight against fungus. Dilute one tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of liquid soap (or grated laundry soap) in two liters of hot water. Dip your hands or feet in the solution. Keep them for 15-20 minutes. Then treat your nails with medicine or antiseptics.
- Regular treatment of nail plates with iodine helps to get rid of onychomycosis. Every day, lubricate the nail with an iodine solution. You can make antiseptic baths - add a bottle of iodine to three liters of water, keep your feet or hands in it for 10 minutes.
After baths and other folk remedies, nails, fingers and the skin between the toes should be well dried. Then put on your socks.
What are the complications?
If the problem is ignored, the fungus will not disappear by itself, the microorganisms will multiply continuously.
This is fraught with consequences:
- complete deformation of the nail plate;
- the disease becomes chronic;
- the infection will spread to healthy nail plates;
- the immune system will decrease, a favorable environment will be created for the development of other viral or bacterial infections.
Prevention rules
Treatment of onychomycosis is long and requires financial investment. Preventive measures will help protect against fungus, although they cannot be called a cure for the disease.
This includes:
- don't wear other people's clothes or shoes. As a last resort, treat them with antifungal drugs;
- use only personal hygiene products - towels, scissors, nail file;
- in public places (sauna, bath or swimming pool) walk only with rubber shoes;
- don't try on new shoes in a store or market with bare feet, wear socks.
Relapse is a common occurrence. It is observed in 6 - 8% of cases out of the number of those cured.
Fungal diseases affect people, regardless of age and gender. Not everyone knows what the fungus looks like in the early stages and does not pay attention to the changes in the nails. Treatment in the initial stage of the disease is easy, instead of the affected nails grow new and healthy ones.
Therapy is prescribed by a dermatologist, in addition to local methods, a comprehensive course of treatment with antifungal drugs is carried out. In the initial stages of onychomycosis, in addition to traditional medicines, folk recipes can also be used.