Folk remedies for toenail fungus

Mycosis, commonly called fungus, is an infectious disease of the feet caused by microscopic fungi of various types. Foot fungus is often associated with onychomycosis - damage to the nail plate. This disease cannot be ignored, because the skin of the feet itches, there is discomfort while walking and the nails deteriorate. Folk remedies for foot fungus will help eliminate the problem and serve as a method of prevention. Unlike antifungal ointments, creams, folk remedies will be safer for human health.

Treatment of foot fungus with folk remedies

Mycoses of the feet occur in every tenth person, which means that the disease is common. Anyone can catch a fungal infection: at a water park, swimming pool, at the beach, while trying on shoes, after using untreated pedicure accessories. You can also get mycosis due to poor foot hygiene, so it is necessary to treat shoes and change socks in a timely manner.

The first symptoms of mycosis appear between the toes, burning, peeling and itching. Then, the infection moves to the feet and nail plate. If you do not start the treatment of nail fungus in time, the top layer of the nail plate will begin to peel off, the nails will deform and change color. It is difficult to cure mycosis in the last stage, so if you notice the first manifestations of the infection - a change in the color of the nail, skin, itchy feet, the appearance of scales, rough and reddened skin, you should start immediatelytreatment of nail fungus with folk remedies.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Folk remedies against nail fungus can replace pharmaceutical drugs. The infection multiplies quickly in a slightly alkaline and neutral environment, which is why many alternative medicine recipes include baking soda and vinegar. However, ingredients such as iodine, birch tar, essential oils, kombucha, hydrogen peroxide, apricot resin tincture, etc. are also applicable. Treating nail fungus with folk remedies will save you from having to buy antifungal drugs, which can have a negative effect.

Tar soap for toenail fungus

Foot bath

Fungus can be treated by taking medicated foot baths. They can be based on baking soda. Add soda to hot, but not scalding, water poured into a basin, a separate foot bath or other container in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water. It is good to add sea salt. Continue the procedure for 30 minutes, then dry your feet completely and put on clean socks.

For the following recipe you will need ½ teaspoon of potassium permanganate, 1 tablespoon of grated laundry soap, 1 tbsp. spoon of soda, 2 tbsp. spoon of mustard powder for 1 liter of juice. Feet should be steamed in a warm bath for half an hour. Vinegar baths are also effective. To prepare them, take half a glass of table or apple vinegar mixed with a liter of juice. If you feel discomfort or tingling, add a little water to reduce the concentration of vinegar. After the procedure, wipe your feet with a clean towel.


Applying the oil prepared at home promotes quick healing. Take 70% acetic acid and glycerin, olive oil, dimethyl phthalate, mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 2 until they are smooth, then apply, leave for 9 hours, then wash the nails with soap. Dimethyl phthalate can be replaced with repudi. An ointment made of vinegar, olive oil, glycerin and repudina in the same ratio is applied to the affected fingers and nails, smeared on the feet and left for 6 hours.

Another way to prepare the ointment: wash and dry a chicken egg, pour 100 g of vinegar essence, leave for 5-7 days. During this time, the shell will completely dissolve. Add 100 g of melted butter to the resulting mixture, beat until creamy. Apply the oil every evening to the affected areas of the leg for several hours, wrapping it with a bandage.

If most of the foot is infected, you can use the following method: mix 100 g of vinegar, 40 g of talc, 50 g of glycerin, 700 g of distilled or boiled water until it becomes a homogeneous mass. Leave it for three days. Rub 3 tablespoons of the mixture into your feet until completely absorbed. Use for 11 days, then rub 1 tablespoon for 10 days. The disease will go away within a week, but the course must be completed completely.


For treatment, you can use celandine juice. In medicine, celandine, which contains phytoncides, is used to fight skin diseases. Grind the leaves of the plant, mix 1 tablespoon of celandine with 2 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the mixture for 3 hours, wrapping the feet and toes with cling film. You can make an effective decoction of celandine.

Pour any unrefined vegetable oil over the dried leaves so that it covers the plant by approximately 3 cm. Keep the decoction for 2 hours at room temperature, then send it to any cool place for 2 weeks. After the expiration date, strain. Wet a cotton pad or a clean cloth and apply for 2 hours. Before doing this, steam your feet well. It is possible to treat the fungus with iodine solution. Mix 20 ml of iodine, 20 grams of celandine. Apply a solution of iodine and celandine twice a day for an hour.

celandine herbal juice for the treatment of nail fungus

Treatment of athlete's foot in children

Folk remedies for athlete's foot are also applicable for treating infections in children. Mycosis can occur at any age, as the infection is transmitted from person to person, so it is important to immediately identify the disease in a child. For treatment, you can use propolis or apply iodine to the infected areas of the foot and nails. Propolis tincture can be effectively used as a compress: apply propolis to a cotton pad and apply to the feet until the pad is completely dry. Thus, using folk remedies for toenail fungus, you can easily cure a child's disease without harming health.